Hello lovelies! how are you? Happy 4th of July to all my lovely American readers! I hope you're having fun safely today.
As promised, I'm bringing to you today another nail polish from the OPI San Francisco collection for Fall: Haven't the Foggiest. (If you had missed "Alcatraz..Rocks" click here, you won't regret it!)
Let me tell you that when I saw this one on the bottle I thought: been there done that. But the moment I painted one nail with it, I was wowed! This, ladies and gentlemen, is a ONE COATER with no brush strokes. Haven't the foggiest is the perfect foil silver shade, not too white that it's blinding bright, nor too dark that it's almost gunmetal. But what really counts on this shade is the formula. I do not think I own anything like this baby, perfect consistency, not too thin nor too thick, total control of the application, I hardly did any clean up, total opacity in one thin coat, no brush marks, drying fast to a satin-y finish so no need for topcoat.
I believe this shade is the surprise of the collection. We all expect a sand polish to be something special, and I certainly thought: a silver foil is a silver foil. Could I be more wrong!!!
This polish would be a perfect stamping polish, since it's so opaque, but also an excellent option for achieving a quick mani with a glamour effect.
I'm thrilled about this collection and looking forward to show you the third shade this weekend!
Let me know what you think about it!